Tips & Tricks-TherapyNotes
Locations are a crucial element to billing. This can determine coverage, copay amounts, and correct initial submission.
Blue Care Network always requires it's own unique location - this codes the session for billing.
In the Office Session Coding
Counselors - {BCN} OFFICE - Counselor POS 11
Social Workers - {BCN} OFFICE - Social Worker POS 11
Telehealth Coding for Clients not in their home (maybe office or parked car)
Counselors - {BCN} NOT HOME -Tele Counselor POS 02
Social Workers - {BCN} NOT HOME - Tele Social Worker POS 02
Telehealth Coding for Clients at their home
Counselors - {BCN} HOME - Tele Counselor POS 10
Social Workers - {BCN} HOME - Tele Social Worker POS 10
Blue Cross Blue Shield, OPTUM, United Health Care require the telehealth location to be indicated based on whether the client is at home, or not at home.
In the Office Session Coding
All - Main Office
Telehealth for clients not at home
All - {BCBSM} NOT HOME - Telehealth {OPTUM & UHC} POS 02
Telehealth for clients at home
All- {BCBSM} HOME - Telehealth {OPTUM & UHC} POS 10
All other Commercial & EAP Coverage -
In the Office Session Coding
All - Main Office
All - Telehealth ANYWHERE - Commercial (NOT MCLAREN)Insurances POS 10
Medicaids (not Blue Cross Complete)- Aetna, Meridian Health Plan, McLaren Health Plan (Commercial & Medicaid), Cigna (Commercial & other products)
In the Office Session Coding
All - Main Office
All - Telehealth ANYWHERE - Medicaids CIGNA & McLaren ONLY POS 02
Blue Cross Complete
In the Office Session Coding
All - Main Office
Telehealth - Blue Cross Complete POS 11
Medicare (Straight & Commercial (like BCBS, PHP, Aetna, etc))
In the Office Session Coding
All - Main Office
All - Telehealth Medicare Part B POS 11
Telehealth Documentation
Intake Additional Steps
You must look at the driver's license of the NEW client so they prove who they are. DOCUMENT THAT YOU DID IT.
Create your own safety phrase if your client needs to tell you they are unsafe. Confirm what you will do if they say it. DOCUMENT THIS.
Regular Sessions
Confirm the client is in a confidential place with no other adults or where anyone can overhear. Ask them to show you the room if you suspect they are not alone. DOCUMENT THAT YOU DID IT.
Confirm the address/location the client is at and note it. Home, work address, parking lot of work address, if it's not on file, put it on file or in the note. DOCUMENT THAT YOU DID IT.
Have a plan for what to do if disconnected - will you move to the phone? Will you finish the session? DOCUMENT THAT YOU DID IT.
"This therapist utilized a HIPAA-compliant 2-way secure audio/video system.”
"The client is alone and confirmed they are in a HIPAA compliant area"
"Confirmed location of client and the address in case of emergency"
If you do not do this and we are audited, insurance will take the money back.
Checking Client Balances
1. Go to your patient list in TherapyNotes by clicking on "Patients" in the top blue menu across the screen.
2. You will see three search fields, "Search" "Assigned to" and "Filter"
3. Go over to "Filter" and from the drop-down menu, select "Have Open Patient Balance"
4. Hit Search
THEN - To Collect Payment
From this screen you can charge the card by clicking on the blue credit card next to the balance due.
Making a payment at appointment.
After every appointment, open the scheduled appointment. Click on billing tab, Click on the blue amount due for patient (this will be blue) Balance: $9.94
Click on the credit card, and submit payment.
They can see this, and even pay themselves in the client portal. If YOU don’t want to run it, ask them to login and pay their bill.