Dr. Richard Wampler
Dr. Wampler is licensed as a Psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist in Michigan. He likes working with all kinds of clients and has a particular interest in working with clients with problems with communication, changing relationships, and behavior issues.
Dr. Wampler has a 30+ year history as a therapist, supervisor, and teacher. During those years, he worked in settings serving a wide variety of clients. In private practice, he served children, couples, and individual adults. In the community, he developed programming for high-risk children and adults involved in the legal system and with substance abuse charges.
"My approach to therapy changes with the client's needs and therapy setting. My preference is to focus on solving problems. That is, asking what needs to be different in the client's experiences. A client-focused approach strongly influences my work. I listen carefully to understand what is going on in clients' lives, not pushing for my solutions. I accept that the clients have come seeking solutions, and focus is most useful when helping to find solutions that work for them."