Help for Depression, Anxiety & Other Adjustments | GPS Guide to Personal Solutions
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GPS Lansing
In Office & Teletherapy Services

GPS originated in Lansing, Michigan, as a mental health agency focused on providing accessible care for all members of the community with dignity, respect, and empathy. We contract with a variety of professionals and consultants to find you the best care possible.

Access to care is provided through telehealth and in-office visits with various specializations, including helping individuals cope and heal from depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, addiction, impulsive behaviors and other mental health or life phase concerns and adjustments.

Our team of professionals works with each individual to develop an individualized plan that meets their specific needs, always with attention to the client's self-determination of goals, culture, and individual faith. We strive to provide support and guidance to help our clients achieve their goals, increase their resiliency, and live an authentic insightful life. 

The Intake Line is Active 10 am-3 pm Monday through Friday.

Outside of these hours, and when leaving a message, please allow for 24 hours for a callback.

Established Clients - Please reschedule or cancel appointments directly with your therapist. 

Страховки приймаються

Комерційне медичне страхування:


Blue Cross Blue Shield - Physicians Health Plan - Sparrow Health Plan Humana - Priority Health - Optum - United Health Care - Aetna - Cigna - Cofinity - Medicare  - McLaren - Molina - Ingham Health Plan_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_



Blue Cross Complete, Meridian Health Plan, McLaren Health Plan, Molina


Плани допомоги працівникам:


FEI - Compsych - Aetna - Helpnet - Нові напрямки

Insurance Consultation
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